Unique Value Renderer: Field 1: SUBTYPE Field 2: null Field 3: null Field Delimiter: , Default Symbol:
Default Label: null UniqueValueInfos:
Value: Application Before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) Label: Application Before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) Description: Symbol:
Unique Value Renderer: Field 1: DESCRIPT Field 2: null Field 3: null Field Delimiter: , Default Symbol:
Default Label: null UniqueValueInfos:
Value: High (S) Constraint Stream Corridor Area –Special Policy Area Label: High (S) Constraint Stream Corridor –Special Policy Area Description: Symbol:
Value: Level 1 with Existing Development Designation Subject to d Label: EPA - Level 1 with Existing Development Designation Subject to Description: Symbol:
Unique Value Renderer: Field 1: DESCRIPT Field 2: null Field 3: null Field Delimiter: ; Default Symbol:
Default Label: null UniqueValueInfos:
Value: Issue Contributing Area Well 11, 12, 14 Chloride and Sodium Label: Issue Contributing Area Well 11, 12, 14 Chloride and Sodium Description: Symbol:
Description: The Ontario Regulation Limit 179/06 is mapped as the greatest extent of the Riverine Hazard Limit (Flood Plain/Meanderbelt/Slope/Apparent Valley with a 15m setback), the Shoreline Hazard Limit (wind setup/wave uprush/shoreline erosion with no setback from shoreline erosion area and a 15m setback from wind setup areas), and Wetlands (with a 120m setback from PSWs and 30m setback from all other identified wetlands greater than 0.5 ha in area). These components have been dissolved to create an ‘all in one’ polygon showing the greatest extent of the regulation limit.Refer to “Reference Manual for Determination of Regulation Limits” (LSRCA, November 2005) for more information on determining the extent of the identified hazards.
Description: The floodplain shapefile is separated into two categories including engineered and estimated floodplains. The shapefile has been dissolved based on floodplain type. The floodplain delineation is based on the most conservative floodplain delineation of either the regulatory or 1:100 year return period event. The floodplain delineation presented is also known as the regulatory floodplain.